CFSB's Board-Approved 2018 Plan for the Executive Director Position
The CFSB E.D. position was first created in April of 2016 with the advent of new grant funding to the Chamber of Commerce from Plains All American Pipeline. The funds were intended to support CFSB through advocacy and seafood marketing. The E.D. position has been filled by Kim Selkoe since its inception. The Plains funding allowed salary coverage at 65% full time employment (FTE) through December 2017.
On January 11, 2018, the CFSB Board voted to approve the release of CFSB funds to support the E.D. position at 35% FTE for 6 months (January to June 2018). A vote to extend the E.D. position past June 2018 will occur in the Spring. More detail on this decisionmaking is in the previous blog post.
The E.D. job description for 2018, with estimates of the percentage of full time (40 hour week) needed for each activity is below. These priorities are designed to meet basic CFSB needs and current programmatic priorities. The time needed totals 35% full time, or 14 hours per week on average.
2018 Executive Director Job Description
1. CFSB member services – 12%
Send monthly member emails, maintain website, social media, write 5-10 advocacy letters per year, coordinate with other port associations, attend nearby fishery meetings, co-organize annual BBQ and other fundraisers, attend and take minutes for CFSB meetings
2. Groundfish quota bank development- 10%
Organize 2 port workshops, connect with other organizations and experts, create documents to guide quota usage, stay current on regulatory news, strategize ways to increase value and utility of quota, conduct PR plan.
3. Support the Saturday Fishermen’s Market – 8%
Maintain fillet booth, supervise fish cutters, send weekly emails and social media, coordinate vendors, apply for more Cable Committee funding to cover new improvements and marketing (and maybe ~5% additional salary coverage)
4. Community outreach & education, collaborative research, partnerships, debris clean up events – 5%
Produce local seafood & fishery outreach materials and events for the public, advise on fishery research projects, grow and strengthen our community partnerships, organize 3 gear clean ups
Funding The E.D. Position
There are 3 sources of income to cover this salary need for 2018.
1. Available now - A pledge by the board of CFSB to contribute to ED salary from CFSB coffers: $10,000
2. Available now - Funds raised (primarily by the E.D.) in 2017, from the CFSB BBQ and Taste of the Sea events: $7,583
3. Imminent - The Nature Conservancy’s contribution of salary time attached to the Groundfish Quota Transfer (minus 20% for the CFSB General Fund). These funds are expected to be transferred to us in Spring 2018: $14,080
Unfunded Programmatic Goals
Below is a list of some of the new initiatives CFSB is actively working on funding, but they are not yet funded. Estimates of funds needed for the workload and job description associated with the E.D.’s role in these projects is listed.
1. Help launch the Lobster Commission (Estimated need: ~$7000)
Create an informational packet to send to voters, create website and web content, help organize port meetings, liase with Food & Ag., plan referendum vote, assist with formation of the Commission. Possible funder could be South Bay Cable Committee.
2. Co-ordinate Lobster Fishery Research (Estimated need: ~$10,000)
Collaborate with TNC staff on a project to advance methods to collect length data at sea, build a high quality length database and propose a plan to best integrate the data into management. Funding would come from TNC.
3. Economic Sustainability planning (Estimated need: ~$14,000)
Connect with City staff and Harbor Commission, Coastal Commission, Wright Family, other local groups and benefactors to problem-solve long-term space and infrastructure needs; submit final report with list of priority recommendations to be used to secure funding and attention from city government. Possible funders could be Ocean Protection Council, Central California Joint Cable Liasion Committee, UCSB Coastal Fund.
4. Help launch a new Community Supported Fishery program (Estimated need: ~$20,000)
Support the launch a Community Supported Fishery for Santa Barbara, in partnership with Alan Lovewell of Real Good Fish, an existing CSF in the Bay Area. Focus on structuring the CSF in ways that benefit CFSB and the Saturday Market. Possible funders includes Santa Barbara Foundation’s LEAF grant and Ecotrust.
We welcome ideas, feedback and questions on this plan. Please contact me at [email protected] or 805-259-7476